My Amazon Sales Had Crashed. Badly

I really didn’t get it. My Amazon sales had been growing steadily and the payments being sent to my bank account were finally starting to feel real.

I was making plans of world domination, and expansion. I’d finally made it, right?

Well, wrong.

I logged into my Seller Central account, and saw what I hadn’t seen in a long time — 0 sales. What? I hadn’t had a day without a sale, since I had first started.

One thing I know though, is that in sales, you can’t base anything just on one day. You need to look at the trends, what is going on over the past weeks, months. Is the arrow going up? Awesome!

So I went to bed, and didn’t think much of it. The next day though, my sales were down again. Not zero, but not as good as they had been.

A few more days of this went on before I started getting a little nervous.

Something was going on. So I dug a little bit and that was when I discovered — another seller had jumped on a bunch of my listings AND they were selling for less than half my price!

At first, my stomach sank and I felt kind of sick. What was I going to do? My sales were down by more than 50%! I couldn’t keep going like this or my entire business would be sunk.

That was when I had a huge revelation!

I was panicking about my sales being cut in half by another seller on my listings selling for rock bottom prices.

But one thing we can’t do as Amazon sellers is panic!

Stuff comes up, and we need to deal with it, right?

When we hear about the brand registry we usually only think of private label product brands.

But the same benefits that help you as a private label brand can also help you make a ton of money with other products…

And it doesn’t matter how you are sourcing those products…

You could be wholesaling, hitting up the local thrift stores for retail arbitrage deals, or doing online arbitrage…

What are you talking about Patrick?

I’m talking about bundles.

Remember that one simple change I mentioned in my “Expert’s Guide to Amazon’s Brand Registry”?

The huge revelation I came to when I was face with my crisis, was BUNDLING.

I didn’t need to compete with the seller who was under cutting me with their rock bottom prices.

I could list and sell bundles of the products, and get the buy box again! And just like that I left that seller and a bunch of others in the dust!

Seriously, this has made me a ton of money, even on products that are hyper competitive! And all it took was adding my brand to the brand registry…


What a hidden benefit of being brand registered!

